Update Document
Command ID: 119
Command property:
Asynchronous command.
The Interface Status must be Ready to perform this operation.
If the status is different than Ready, the system reply with:
<command valid="false" error="Laser module not ready" />
Command action:
Update the existing layouts with new data.
<command Name="UpdateDocument" Module ="[Integer]" >
Name |
Mandatory |
Description |
Format |
Module |
Yes |
Module you want load |
integer |
<command Name="UpdateDocument" valid="true" />
During the command execution the Interface Status goes to Updating.
When the command is executed, the system reply with:
<command Name="UpdateDocument" executed="true" Module ="[Integer]" >
If the document creation is done, the Interface Status goes to Ready.
If the command execution fails, the system reply with:
<command Name="UpdateDocument" executed="false" Module ="[Integer]" error="Error updating entity: [Entity name]" >
If the document creation fails, the Interface Status goes to Error.
Command purpose:
This command is used to update existing layouts, created by Create Document command, or loaded by Load Document command.
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