Command ID: 115

Command property:

Synchronous command.

Command action:

Return the statuses of all modules of the machine.


<command Name="GetMachineStatus" />


For every module the machine have installed, you have the status, like "Module Status" command

<Command Name="GetMachineStatus" Valid="True">

 <Module Number="1" ModuleStatus="[Module Status]" TransportStatus="[Transport Status]" CardPosition="[Card Position]" FlipoverPosition="[Flipover Position]" Slot1Status="[Multichip status]" Slot2Status="[Multichip status]" Slot3Status="[Multichip status]" Slot4Status="[Multichip status]" />

 <Module Number="2" ModuleStatus="[Module Status]" TransportStatus="[Transport Status]" CardPosition="[Card Position]" FlipoverPosition="[Flipover Position]"  LaserType="[Laser Type]" LaserStatus="[Laser Status]" InterfaceStatus="[Interface Status]" />


[.... ALL MODULES....]


Command purpose:

This command is used to check if all modules are ready before perform a new card issuance.

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