Multiple Card issuing and autopositioning
In this sample a new card project is created, then for every passport is updated. The cycle is performed with autopositioning on data and mrz.
This expect the pattern for data and mrz already created.
// Check the machine status
=> <command name="machinestatus" />
<= <command valid="true" transportstatus="Ready" laserstatus="Ready" interfacestatus="Ready" >
// Create a new project with Data and MRZ layouts
=> <command name="createdocument"><layout Name="Data" >[DATA]</layout><layout Name="MRZ" >[DATA]</layout></command>
<= <command valid ="true" />
// Load a passport
=> <command name="loadpassport" />
<= <command valid ="true" />
<= <command name="loadpassport" executed="true" >
// Before engraving it is needed wait the document creation execution.
<= <command name="CreateDocument" executed="true" >
// Perform a front autopositioning.
=> <command name="autoposition" PatternName="Data" />
<= <command valid="true" XOffset="[XOffset]" YOffset="[YOffset]" Correlation="[Integer]"/>
// Mark data layout
=> <command name="marklayout" layout="Data" XOffset="[XOffset]" YOffset="[YOffset]" />
<= <command valid ="true" />
<= <command name="MarkLayout" executed="true" >
=> <command name="autoposition" PatternName="MRZ" />
<= <command valid="true" XOffset="[XOffset1]" YOffset="[YOffset1]" Correlation="[Integer]"/>
// Mark MRZ
=> <command name="marklayout" layout="MRZ" XOffset="[XOffset1]" YOffset="[YOffset1]" />
<= <command valid ="true" />
<= <command name="MarkLayout" executed="true" >
// Eject the passport
=> <command name="eject" />
<= <command valid ="true" />
<= <command name="Eject" executed="true" >
// Update Data
=> <command name="updatedocument">[DATA TO BE UPDATED]</command>
<= <command valid ="true" />
<= <command name="updatedocument" executed="true" >