When an interlock is raised, the system automatically send over all open telnet socket:

<command name="Interlock" />

The Laser Status goes to Interlock and no operation with the Laser source can be performed.

To check the Interlock status, send the relative command.

The Interlock of the machine are:

  • Relative Thermal Fault
  • Absolute Thermal Fault
  • Current Driver Current Fault
  • Current Driver Interlock Fault
  • Current Driver Power Fault
  • Current Driver Temperature Fault
  • Interlock 1
  • Interlock 2

All previous interlock are "soft resettable", other than Current Driver Interlock Fault, not resettable other than machine switch off and on.

The Current Driver Interlock Fault interlock is referred to the external plug in the left side of the machine.