In this sample a new passport is created and engraved, no chip encoding, no multiple cards.

// Check the machine status

=> <command name="machinestatus" />

<= <command valid="true" transportstatus="Ready" laserstatus="Ready" interfacestatus="Ready" >

// Create a new project with Data and MRZ layouts

=> <command name="createdocument"><layout Name="Data" >[DATA]</layout><layout Name="MRZ" >[DATA]</layout></command>

<= <command valid ="true" />

// Load a passport

=> <command name="loadpassport" />

<= <command valid ="true" />

<= <command name="loadpassport" executed="true" >

// Before engraving it is needed wait the document creation execution.

<= <command name="CreateDocument" executed="true" >

// Mark Data layout

=> <command name="marklayout" layout="Data" XOffset="0" YOffset="0"  />

<= <command valid ="true" />

<= <command name="MarkLayout" executed="true" >

// Mark MRZ

=> <command name="marklayout" layout="MRZ" XOffset="0" YOffset="0"  />

<= <command valid ="true" />

<= <command name="MarkLayout" executed="true" >

// Eject the passport

=> <command name="eject" />

<= <command valid ="true" />

<= <command name="Eject" executed="true" >

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