Get CX7600 Info
Command property:
Synchronous command.
Command action:
Return informations about the CX7600 printer.
<command name="GetCX7600Info" />
<command valid="true" VendorID = "[String]" ProductID = "[String]" PrinterFWVersion = "[String]" THInfo = "[String]" ConfigVersion = "[String]" TableVersion = "[String]" Magnetic = "[String]" ICContact = "[String]" ContactRW = "[String]" Antenna = "[String]" Turnover = "[String]" BendRemedyRoller = "[String]" SecurityLock = "[String]" XResolution = "[String]" YResolution = "[String]" HRTempControl = "[String]" FilmCode = "[String]" CardCode = "[String]" StandbyMode = "[String]" RetHeatRollerTemp= "[String]" FrontUVVelocity = "[String]" RearUVVelocity = "[String]" FixHeatRollerTemp= "[String]" FixVelocity = "[String]" PeelWaitTime = "[String]" ResinLevel = "[String]" ResinMode = "[String]" UVEnergy = "[String]" POEnergy = "[String]" Buzzer = "[String]" PowerSave = "[String]" FilmQuantity = "[String]" InkQuantity = "[String]" CardPresence = "[String]" YMCEnergy = "[String]" DisplayContrast = "[String]" DisplayMode = "[String]" DisplayCounter = "[String]" SecurityLock = "[String]" FrontRetVelocity = "[String]" RearRetVelocity = "[String]" Cooling = "[String]" Laminator = "[String]" >
Command purpose:
This status is used to gather information about the installed printer (eg. Firmware Version, Product ID, etc.).